Saturday, 7 November 2009

Quantitative Easing Solved

According to the definition of quantitative easing involves increasing the money supply by printing money and more money. We are not talking a few fivers here or a few barrow loads of money but billions of pounds.

As we all know Gordon was known as the Iron Chancellor, certain authorities would question this description, but hey -- you would think Gordon would be prudent and looking for ways to save squillions of pounds.

So why print such vast sums of money? --- he can save squillions of pounds, make the majority of the population happy and save your local pub at the same time, ---- here are a few cost saving clues:- -------------------- feel free to add you own.

The payment of NHS staff to force residents of secure hospitals to stop smoking against their will.
  • Saving ££££££££££££££££££££££££££s

Intrusive anti smoking radio adverts:-

  • Saving £££££££££££££££££££££££££££s

Intrusive anti smoking Google style small adverts.

  • Saving £££££££££££££££££££££s

Financial Payments to people who stop smoking for a token amount of time

  • Saving ££££££££££££££££££

National and local anti smoking adverts.

  • Saving ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££s
Grants to Youth groups to spread anti smoking bigotry.
  • Saving £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££

Anti Smoking propaganda CDs

  • Saving ££££££££££££££££££££££££££s

Dressing people up as anti smoking penguins and handing out footballs.

  • Saving ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££s

Anti Smoking posters:-

  • Saving £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££

Anti Smoking leaflets :-

  • Saving £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££s

Dental smoking advisers:-

  • Saving ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££s

Anti smoking advisers:-

  • Saving ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££s
Payments for giant cigarettes, payments to health authorities to invent anti smoking laws, on line quit questionnaires, fake consultations, signage, it goes on and on: ---------- The list and the amount of public money being spent is endless. ££££££££££££££££££££ Millions.

Get the idea Gordon?? , no need for quantitative easing, you never asked any ones permission to waste such vast sums of taxpayers money. I am sure the public would prefer that the money be spent on equipping our soldiers or an increase in one of the most pitiful pensions in Europe.

One last tip Gordon, can you please ensure that government departments inform the public that anti smoking measures are not free as they are keen to intimate, they are costing the UK taxpayer squillions £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££.

And when the time comes and the money runs out and adverts are not being placed with National and local newspapers, the newspapers may decide to print the truth on second hand smoke.

Cue the Sun, the Star, the Mirror, the Waltham Forest Guardian and every newspaper in the land:------------

Tuesday, 4 August 2009


We live in the UK, we pride ourselves on living in a country where justice always prevails, the true guilty will be found guilty, the innocents will be found innocent.

If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear, ---- everyone is protected except
law abiding tax paying smokers it seems.

Yesterday Chris Minihan, from Liverpool was found guilty of a smoking offence with no tangible evidence and was fined £715.00 including costs of just because he is a confessed smoker who allegedly used a perfectly legal product an e-cigarette. in the cab of his vehicle.

According to the smoking Gestapo officer enforcement officer Yvonne Taylor, she watched his arm come in and out of the window with a cigarette, which got smaller on each occasion. She said "I could clearly see smoke emitting from the cab and the motion of him flicking ash,"------ "I then observed the cigarette stub flying from the driver's hand on to the grassed area below."

The trouble is as he is a confessed smoker, the prosecution do not need any evidence, They failed to Produce:-
  • Any samples of ash:-

  • Any Cigarette stub:-

  • Any photographic evidence, even a picture of the alleged cigarette stub that was clearly indicated to have been on the grassed area below:-
The smoking Gestapo officer enforcement officer was described as a as a credible witness by the chairman of the bench but failed to produce any tangible evidence, it seems that you do not need any tangible evidence if you want to prosecute a smoker.

Quite rightly Mr Minihan is lodging an appeal and may take the appeal all the way to the European courts of human rights.

In the true spirit of
Elmer Fudd, council officials stated Mr Minihan had been offered the opportunity to pay the fines but had declined and opted for court action and the council will continue to enforce the legislation on littering and smoking in accordance with national guidelines and council policy.

This begs the question why the fuck should Mr Minihan even consider paying a fine for alleged littering where is the evidence? He has broken no national guidelines by smoking an E-cigarette, and is the stated -- council policy --- a secret policy to persecute innocent smokers.

And to any smoking Gestapo officer a*seho*e reading this in the words of Elmer Fudd:-

Dis begs the qwestion why shouwd Mw Minihan even considew paying a fine fow awweged wittewing whewe is the evidence? He has bwoken no nationaw guidewines by smoking an E-cigawette, and is the stated -- counciw powicy --- a secwet powicy to pewsecute innocent smokews.

Why don't you get a pwopew job instead of pewsecuting innocent waw abiding tax payews and acting wike a twumped up wittwe Hitwew.

Saturday, 25 July 2009


Its now the 21st century and we live in a so called civilised society, Gordon Brown our prime minister proudly boasts that he is listening, understands and getting on with the Job.

Has Gordon brown listened to and understood approx 25% of the population? namely highly taxed law abiding smokers?.

The answer is a clear resounding NO---the only job that he is interested in is supporting every initiative to bully smokers into submission and wasting millions of pounds in a government quest.

Only yesterday it was anounced that patients at Rampton failed to overturn a smoking ban.

The patients at the hospital have been in a legal battle for 2 years stating that the ban amounts to discrimination and violates human rights.

The poor souls at Rampton do not have a choice of popping outside for a theraputic calming cigarette they are incarcerated with no choice, and now thanks to the ruling of the three appeal judges the patients are being forced to stop smoking against their will.

It is only 24 months ago that the smoking ban was introduced on the pretext of protecting workers from so called second hand smoke, this piece of legislation is now being used to bludgeon vunerable people / patients into submission.

  • And to all our hospitals and health trusts that are inventing their own non legally enforcable smoking bans to suit their own agenda.

There are hundreds of other examples where the weak and vunerable smoker are being targeted in a crusade reminicant of medieval England.

Gordon " The Bad Samaritan" Brown should be aware that the Smoking ban is based on bad science adequatley described by times online.

Whether Gordon likes it or not he is the Prime Minister, --- he has the power to turn spiteful vindicive anti smoking policy into a fair balanced policy, --- he can offer choice and can heal division --- Gordon can give the OK for an indoor smoking facility at Rampton Hospital, he can ease the patients frustration and agitation --- the good samaritan would.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009


The Government and main news media are keen to report that the smoking ban is a huge success, compliance here, compliance there the trumpet and herald.

While they have been focusing on Pubs / Businesses etc, our motorists are firmly in the fast lane smoking the metaphorical Churchill cigar.

And at the end of the drivers working day there are no dead bodies to dispose of,
no casualties to be piled up back at the works depot, no mountains of bodies hidden behind the factory gates, there are no second hand smoke victims.

Where are they hiding the victims of so called Second hand smoke?

Stand besides any of our main roads, you will be pleasantly surprised:-

  • White van man and his workforce all crammed in the drivers compartment, all enjoying their cigarettes while cocking a snoop at authority.

  • Council vehicles all proudly emblazoned with the local authorities logo, council operatives all seated in the drivers compartment drawing on their Mayfair Lights.

  • Mondeo man or todays equivalent, no smoking sticker in the window, representatives and their customers snug in the leatherette interior, all enjoying a Super King or perhaps a Berkeley.

Our motoring population are giving the big thumbs down to the smoking ban and long may they continue.

The smoking ban is on the road to failure help it on its way.

Wednesday, 15 July 2009


There are now 2.38million unemployed in the UK and I am one of the statistics, personally I am pissed off looking for that elusive vacancy with some decent pay.

We all know that job seeking is no fun, so when you see a glut of vacancies for dental hygienists with salaries ranging from £48,720 - £50,400 you become curious as to what they actually do.

Well what does a dental hygienists lot consist of ?-- It appears that one of the main priorities of a hygienist apart from raking in the cash is to be a smoking cessation operative. Out of the 80 hygienists jobs advertised at Trovit jobs all vacancies quote smoking cessation in the job description.

Dental hygienists have become another government frontline anti smoking mouthpiece and you are paying through the nose for their unwelcome advice. Further investigation at the British Dental Journal outlines their mission.

  • Dental patients who smoke need access to local services to help them stop smoking.

  • A dentist who recognises a patient as a smoker has a duty to inform the patient of the options open to them.

  • And:- Dentists can help their patients to stop smoking by recognising oral signs of tobacco use, informing patients of these and asking patients whether they wish to stop.

In other words the Dentist or Dental Hygienist have become the new anti smoking snoops, offering unwanted pressured methods to try to get you to stop smoking at all costs, all paid for by you.

A card arrived today advising an unemployed me that my dental check up is due. I will dutifully attend but will look at the £50,000 per year hygienist through gritted teeth.

There are now 2.38 million unemployed there are probably more than 2.38 million vacancies in the anti smoking / smoking cessation sector. Anyone willing to take the Kings Shilling to become a smokefree mouth piece.

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Throw Some More Money On The Fire

I recently reported that the EU had a budget to waste on three of their anti smoking campaigns totaling €106,840,000. Who knows how many more millions and millions are being wasted by the EU on unwarranted anti smoking tactics?.

Over breakfast this morning, (97p with family card at Ikea) I decided to carry out a random Google of "grants for anti smoking projects", the result a question asked by Lord Stoddart.

  • The Question:-
    To ask Her Majesty's Government whether the Action for Smoking on Health Group (ASH) or other anti-smoking organisations have received Government funding in 2006, 2007 and 2008; and, if so, how much in each year. [HL850].

  • The Answer
  • Grants out of our taxes to Ash and to the No Smoking Day organisation amounted to £1,306,400 or €1,510,714.

In 2007-08 they also threw in an additional £50,000 or €57,819 of our money to the Tobacco Control Collaborating centre to implement smoke free persecution on residents in residential mental health units.

It also states, "The department also provides funding directly to the National Health Service for tobacco control and smoking cessation activities". ---- "In real speak this means multi millions pounds more of your taxes being spent on stopping you from enjoying a legal pastime / persuit.

Another £1,356,400 or €1,568,533 wasted, "well smoking rates are remaining nearly static?.

If you really want a fair deal and value for money go to Ikea you can also get a free cuppa.

Friday, 3 July 2009

€106,840,000 Wasted, The Filter Tip Of The Iceberg

If you have Freeview / digital TV you may have noticed the new EU anti smoking campaign on the minor digital channels.

The Cost of this new TV campaign is not readily available however its likely to cost tens of millions of Euros based on the following examples.

The total without taking any other EU anti smoking projects into account or the latest TV advertising campaign is a staggering, eye watering, mind numbing €106.84 million Euros ( €106,840,000).

The *a*ta*d Uk government and the *u*t* at the EU are wasting multi millions of Pounds and Euros of your money on anti smoking propaganda. Result smoking prevalence is remaining static, how much more of your *uck*ng money are they going to waste?.
Have you missed the chance to scoff at the new Freeview / digital EU anti smoking adverts? you can enter a free completion to win a Freeview DVB-t USB stick and watch them on Freeview on your computer.
Simply register on the forum at freedom2choose go to general discussion, new competition area.

Good luck the competition is free but their anti smoking propaganda is costing you a f*c*in* arm and leg, tell your friends before the EU bans tobacco completely and beware there is more EU anti Smoking ice below the waterline.

Monday, 15 June 2009


Click on the image to view or follow the link at

Do not forget to e-mail the link to your friends.

Happy smoking

They are trying to confuse us with their messages, the message is clear it is perfectly legal to smoke on open NHS grounds.

Saturday, 13 June 2009


A few weeks ago Chelsea fans were left scratching their heads after their team were robbed of a place in the Champions league final, by the Norwegian referee Tom Henning Ovrebo.

The old Shed enders were aggrieved, shouting, swearing but in the face of adversity failed to even spark up a Mayfair light or even a pre rolled old Holborn, the invisible referee was at work.

Referee Tom Ovrebo had denied them victory but who were the invisible referees who had red carded their smoking pleasure, a few clues to start.

  • Walsall FC stand is sponsored by NHS Txt 6446 are they going to let you smoke and upset their sponsors, like f*u* are they.

  • Oh and NHS Walsall sponsor Walsall shirts are they going to let you smoke and upset their sponsors, bo*lo*ks are they.

  • Preston North End has a stand two-thirds of the stand’s interior is for the use by Preston NHS PCT, are they going to let you smoke and upset the PCT my a*s* will they.

Before reading on lets remind ourselves the stands at the vast majority of Stadiums are not 50 % enclosed and therefore smoking is perfectly within the law, so there are other forces are at work.

  • Quite interestingly the Chairman of the football Leagues working party, Tim Davies of Leicester City seems to be lacking in mathematical skills.
  • Out of a survey of 43,000 football league fans only 50% wanted a total outright ban , yet Tim Davies proudly announced that fans around the country were clearly in favour of going smoke free, since when was 50% a clear mandate for any policy.

  • And interestingly nearly 80% of smoking and non smoking fans in the survey were quite happy with some form of smoke free policy ie separate smoking and non smoking areas or a compromise.

You are probably following the plot, you pay your NI contributions, the government gives it to the NHS, they spend your money on football related projects football clubs do not want to upset their NHS backers so arse holes to you no smoking they have delivered a yellow card.

You have waited patiently who is chief referee delivering the red card in the football league its none other than Nicotinell who are official Nicotine replacement Therapy of the football league.

Support your local non league team.