While they have been focusing on Pubs / Businesses etc, our motorists are firmly in the fast lane smoking the metaphorical Churchill cigar.
And at the end of the drivers working day there are no dead bodies to dispose of,
no casualties to be piled up back at the works depot, no mountains of bodies hidden behind the factory gates, there are no second hand smoke victims.

Where are they hiding the victims of so called Second hand smoke?
- White van man and his workforce all crammed in the drivers compartment, all enjoying their cigarettes while cocking a snoop at authority.
- Council vehicles all proudly emblazoned with the local authorities logo, council operatives all seated in the drivers compartment drawing on their Mayfair Lights.
- Mondeo man or todays equivalent, no smoking sticker in the window, representatives and their customers snug in the leatherette interior, all enjoying a Super King or perhaps a Berkeley.
Our motoring population are giving the big thumbs down to the smoking ban and long may they continue.
The smoking ban is on the road to failure help it on its way.
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