We all know that job seeking is no fun, so when you see a glut of vacancies for dental hygienists with salaries ranging from £48,720 - £50,400 you become curious as to what they actually do.

Dental hygienists have become another government frontline anti smoking mouthpiece and you are paying through the nose for their unwelcome advice. Further investigation at the British Dental Journal outlines their mission.
- Dental patients who smoke need access to local services to help them stop smoking.
- A dentist who recognises a patient as a smoker has a duty to inform the patient of the options open to them.
- And:- Dentists can help their patients to stop smoking by recognising oral signs of tobacco use, informing patients of these and asking patients whether they wish to stop.
In other words the Dentist or Dental Hygienist have become the new anti smoking snoops, offering unwanted pressured methods to try to get you to stop smoking at all costs, all paid for by you.
A card arrived today advising an unemployed me that my dental check up is due. I will dutifully attend but will look at the £50,000 per year hygienist through gritted teeth.
There are now 2.38 million unemployed there are probably more than 2.38 million vacancies in the anti smoking / smoking cessation sector. Anyone willing to take the Kings Shilling to become a smokefree mouth piece.
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