- The Question:-
To ask Her Majesty's Government whether the Action for Smoking on Health Group (ASH) or other anti-smoking organisations have received Government funding in 2006, 2007 and 2008; and, if so, how much in each year. [HL850].
- The Answer
- Grants out of our taxes to Ash and to the No Smoking Day organisation amounted to £1,306,400 or €1,510,714.
In 2007-08 they also threw in an additional £50,000 or €57,819 of our money to the Tobacco Control Collaborating centre to implement smoke free persecution on residents in residential mental health units.
It also states, "The department also provides funding directly to the National Health Service for tobacco control and smoking cessation activities". ---- "In real speak this means multi millions pounds more of your taxes being spent on stopping you from enjoying a legal pastime / persuit.
Another £1,356,400 or €1,568,533 wasted, "well smoking rates are remaining nearly static?.
If you really want a fair deal and value for money go to Ikea you can also get a free cuppa.
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