Has Gordon brown listened to and understood approx 25% of the population? namely highly taxed law abiding smokers?.
The answer is a clear resounding NO---the only job that he is interested in is supporting every initiative to bully smokers into submission and wasting millions of pounds in a government quest.
Only yesterday it was anounced that patients at Rampton failed to overturn a smoking ban.
The patients at the hospital have been in a legal battle for 2 years stating that the ban amounts to discrimination and violates human rights.
The poor souls at Rampton do not have a choice of popping outside for a theraputic calming cigarette they are incarcerated with no choice, and now thanks to the ruling of the three appeal judges the patients are being forced to stop smoking against their will.
It is only 24 months ago that the smoking ban was introduced on the pretext of protecting workers from so called second hand smoke, this piece of legislation is now being used to bludgeon vunerable people / patients into submission.
- Casting our eye back to April 2008 ---- Mentally ill Patients detained at a Chester Hospital will have fewer rights than prisoners.
- Depressed taxman kills himself over smoking ban ---- We think the ban killed him, he was so depressed he hardly ever went out.
- NHS want to close smoking room to termially ill patients ---- It doesn't matter if patients are terminally ill said Dr Spencer-Jones.
- And to all our hospitals and health trusts that are inventing their own non legally enforcable smoking bans to suit their own agenda.
There are hundreds of other examples where the weak and vunerable smoker are being targeted in a crusade reminicant of medieval England.
Gordon " The Bad Samaritan" Brown should be aware that the Smoking ban is based on bad science adequatley described by times online.
Whether Gordon likes it or not he is the Prime Minister, --- he has the power to turn spiteful vindicive anti smoking policy into a fair balanced policy, --- he can offer choice and can heal division --- Gordon can give the OK for an indoor smoking facility at Rampton Hospital, he can ease the patients frustration and agitation --- the good samaritan would.